The Step Up Fund for International Protection and Capacity Development
About the Step Up Fund
International solidarity for refugee protection is needed more than ever, as the number of refugees and displaced persons fleeing war, violence and persecution is at an all-time high. However, protection is hard to find and durable solutions are barely attained.
Where Europe should be leading by example in sharing responsibility for welcoming and hosting refugees, the past years have seen a further externalization and deterioration of refugee protection, with increased violence against refugees.
For this reason, and as part of our international solidarity, the Dutch Council for Refugees invests through the Step Up Fund in the capacity development of refugee and human rights organizations at the borders of Europe. Through the fund, we build new partnerships accross Europe to collectively stand up for the protection of refugees, and address the violence at Europe's external borders.
Supported organizations
Since 2020, we have launched an annual call for proposals for NGOs working with refugee and asylum seekers in a number of countries at the borders of Europe to apply for grant of up to 10.000 EUR to develop the capacity of their organizations.
So far we have been able to support 24 organizations in Croatia, Greece, Italy, Poland and Spain to step up their work for refugees and asylum seekers. Here's an overview of the organizations and their projects:
Step Up: Call for proposals
The Step Up Fund 2024-2025 is now open for proposals.
If you have further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask.
NGO capacty building: how does it work?
The Step Up Fund’s annual call for proposals accepts applications for up to EUR 10.000. In addition to financial support, applicants can request DCR for (in kind) capacity-strengthening support through knowledge exchange, twinning or training as part of the project.
Furthermore meetings, networking, and knowledge exchange between selected organisations are organised. Through this fund, 5-8 projects are selected annually to be supported.
Through the Step Up Fund, DCR aims to support projects of NGOs in selected countries. In the last rounds these were Spain, Greece, Italy and Croatia. The support is for projects that are aimed at strengthening the capacity of the NGO to step up their work for the protection and inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees.
Projects that will be considered, have a maximum duration of 10 months. Projects should aim for organizational, knowledge and strategic development, development of new projects and programs or testing new working methods. For example, projects can be about improving:
- Working with volunteers;
- Legal aid to asylum seekers and refugees;
- Counselling of refugees;
- Stepping up lobby and advocacy;
- Fundraising strategies;
- Building coalitions with other NGOs.
Another objective for DCR is to develop new partnerships and networks with NGOs across Europe.
Who can apply?
You are eligible to apply for the Step Up Fund, if:
- You are a registered non-profit organization based in the selected countries (for 2022 this will be confirmed soon);
- You are a non-profit organization active at national or local levels;
- You are already working on the assistance of refugees and asylum seekers;
- You address the objectives outlined above: only projects that focus on capacity-development will be accepted;
- Your organization is a locally or nationally rooted organization;
- Your application is submitted in English.